Jumat, Maret 05, 2010
Livin' it up in Chicago
Author: Kang Sugeng
| Posted at: 00.06.00 |
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Living in Chicago is one of the best experiences that I have ever had. Not only is my neighborhood great, but my neighbors are fun and respectful. I would not trade it for anything in the world! Best of all, I recently bought a subscription to Clear Internet. This is a mobile internet service that lets you connect almost anywhere. While it does need to be paid for each and every month, the convenience of surfing the web on my way to work is the best. One recent morning I was waiting for my METRA train, and surfed the web at the station using Clear Internet in Chicago. Instead of going outside on the cold platform, I could simply check when the next train was coming and relax until I heard it. Metra's website was really awesome, and loaded up quickly and cleanly on my laptop. They let you see the train schedules online, and there website was just recently redesigned. Their old website was so revoltin and hard to read, but their new website is clean and simple. I go onto it all the time, because my job has me hopping from suburb to suburb. Why carry around paper schedules when I can simply fire up my laptop and connect to the Internet in Chicago. It just makes sense!
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11 komentar:
Waduhhh... bahasanya koq jadi kayak gini ya??? sebentar aku translate dulu kang... hahaha...
gyahahahahahaaaa.............akhirnya dapat job juga nih............selamat ya kang!!!!!
selamat berburu $$$$$
wah bahasa sansekerta heehheh....mantap dah
Wuih...si akang mulai eksis lagi dengan PTR-nya, hehehhe...
Sukses kang, kalo dapet duit banyak jangan lupa bagi2 :D
semoga tambah banyak job kang
kang sugeng oleh2nya dong dari chicago..hahah..
repiu ni yee..hehhee
mantaaaafffffff si akang.... lagi dimanah akanggg....?????
Kang sugeng ke chicago???
wah ga ngajak2 niy.....
Oleh2nya dunkz kang, hehehe......
hoho.. lagi kena timpuk review neh.. slamet yaa.. ^^ moga-moga rejekinya lancar deh..
meski g ngerti computer tetep di bookmark jaga2 kl compi hang
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